Saturday, January 9, 2021

A Cure for Cancer

 One thing I was guilt of before cancer affected my family was saying "If they can spend so much money on __________, why can't they cure cancer?" Even after my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, the first time, I still didn't understand. It took getting cancer myself and being involved in the cancer community, learning  more and more about cancer and how it works to really understand. 

Here are several "myths" that people often think or even say about cancer and its cure. 

1) "Cancer is a money maker. They have a cure and won't release it." 

2) "They have had enough time, there should be a cure already." 

3) Most recently, "If they can create a vaccine for COVID so fast, why can't they create a cure for cancer, it's been around so much longer?" 

I've only been personally involved in the cancer world for 7.5 years, since my diagnosis. It is relatively a short time compared to how long cancer has been around, and the researchers have been researching. When I first started treatment I was angry that I was being treated for ovarian cancer with chemotherapies that women 30+ years before me had been treated with! Can you imagine??? NO new treatment options for a very lethal gynecologic cancer in 30+ years!!! 

A year or so after I finshed chemo, I started learning about new treatments that were being talked about and clinical trials specifically for ovarian cancer (none for Stage 1 like I was). Good News! Many of these were for PARP Inhibitors and Maintenance Treatments. Still not cures. 

I attended a national conference for ovarian cancer survivors. There is where my education really began. It was at this first and then subsequent conferences that I learned some very important information: Ovarian Cancer, like many other cancers, has many difference cell types. Not all treatments work on all cell types!!! 


For example, there are more than 30 different types of Ovarian Cancer, 70 different types of  Lymphoma, and 120 types of  Brain Cancer. Each of these types cancer have difference subtypes, affect different cell types and repsond to different treatments, different chemotherapy drugs and radiation. 

With this information, doesn't that lead to you believe there is NOT going to be a one size fits all CURE FOR CANCER????  It only makes sense that with all the different types of cancer, different cells affected and different treatments that are needed to kill the cancer and make survival rates better there is never going to be a single cure for cancer. 

What is needed until we can find cures for ALL cancers? . . . . Early detection tests for cancers that do not have them. Treatments that single out the cancerous cells and don't harm the healthy cells. Treatments with less side effects, either while you are going through treatment or after treatment. And in the case of children who have cancer: treatments that are specific to children, not adult therapies doesd down to children's weights!!!! 

So next time you ask or say "They spent so much money on _______ why can't they find a cure for cancer?" Just remember, cancer is bigger than money, bigger than 1 single cure!! 

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